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Creative Fundraising Kids

Changing someone's world, one by one.


Our new focus: supporting our feathery friends

Mute Swan by Sydney Dias

Since 1970, the North American bird population has lost almost 3 billion breeding adults.

Bird populations are declining. The major reason is habitat loss. Forests are being cut down and grasslands are being destroyed. You can help by clicking HERE and donating. You can donate HERE too.

Climate change threatens two-thirds of all north American birds. You can help by adding solar panels to your house or considering an electric or hybrid car; and easy things like recycling and changing your lightbulbs to LED. They last a lot longer and use a lot less electricity. Even getting a reusable water bottle can make a huge difference. All that plastic adds up. All that plastic eventually ends up in the ocean where seabirds can mistake it for food and eat it, causing illness or death.

Birds like vultures 'clean up' nature. Birds also disperse seeds and pollinate flowers.

Birds help us. Now they need our help.

Join the fight. Save the birds.

created by Sydney Dias and friends

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